light mandalas

Mandala Astral Star

Light Therapy for Mood Enhancement

     The Mandala Astral Star is a high-tech device that uses crystals to create fractal fields, emitting geometric light patterns for mood enhancement and emotional balance. Ideal for wellness spaces, it offers a photon resonance library for various benefits like protection, healing, and DNA activation. Transform your environment with its cosmic energy.

Light is what enfolds the universe.

Light can carry information about the entire universe.

Light can produce particles and all the diverse structures of matter.

Dr. David Bobm (Eklof, 2003)


Mandala Astral Star

    • The device emits light and photon fields that form geometric shapes.
    • These shapes of sacred geometry pass through a crystal and disperse through its molecular structure.
    • This creates a multi-harmonic, holographic fractal field with multiple octaves of light.


  • The tiny spectrum of light from universe with this rainbow color is only visible for us.
  • The rest of the spectrum is invisible.
  • Mandala Astral Star works with the energies that are visible.


  • By modulating interference patterns, the device creates a harmonic, holographic fractal field that combines the forces of sacred geometric shapes as waveguides.
  • Crystals act as piezoelectric resonators and light as energy within this field.
  • Each color corresponds to a specific frequency within the spectrum.
  • Sound is conveyed through pressure waves that can be used to enhance the device's effects.


    Mandala Astral Star
    • Mandala Astral Star has a strong aluminum case.
    • Shining a coherence light through the crystal sphere or light wand.
    • Integrated with special scalar wave that is effected from light resonance.
    • It programs through Android Tablet Application.


         Mandala Astral Star includes the extensive collection of mandala libraries (photon resonance libraries) promoting protection, energizing, happiness, clearing, healing, DNA activation, emotional state balancing, positive influence on outcomes, clarity, and relationships harmonizing.




    • Combining resonantly tuned crystals and coherent light forms precise patterns.

    • Generates unique, resonating light fields.

    • Crystals cut to universal geometric proportions, are used with white lasers.

    • Photon fields from these crystals interact with human energy, causing varied effects.

    • These fields are employed to create atmospheres that can influence mood and consciousness, tailored for relaxation, focus, or creativity.

    Mandala Astral Star
    • The Mandala fields, with their geometric design, deliver resonances that harmoniously interact with human energy meridians and informational fields, fostering balanced mental, emotional, and psycho-spiritual states.

    • The Mandala White Star is a unique tool enhancing the ambiance of various spaces. It's ideal for improving mood and energy, making it suitable for relaxation, wellness studios, health retreats, and personal meditation. It aids in stress relief, inner peace, and overall well-being.


    Loving, Kindness and Prosperity

         By prioritizing the healing of our individual souls, we can make a meaningful impact on collective consciousness and advance human evolution.

         This approach also confers some level of spiritual protection that is applicable to all. Consistent engagement can enhance both men and women energy, promoting greater balance and sensuality.

    Mandala Astral Star Chakra Healing

    Effect on the Aura

    • Bring all energy bodies into balance
    • Facilitates comprehension
    • A greater sense of awareness
    • Moderate defense
    • Aura purification that is subtle
    • Dissolves neurotic energy blocks
    • Enhances uptime (energy and creative inspiration)

    Effect on the Environment

    • Balance out all the noises
    • Bring Clarity
    • Bring Inspirations
    • Clear Musty Feeling
    • Clear Blockage to Prosperity
    • Create a comfortable and easy-to-use workspace


         Dragon Prana ensures that the life force is assimilated into the energy system without being negatively impacted by any harmful attachments that may be held by others.

         A celestial entity embodies pure YANG energy, while the spirit represents pure YIN energy. As humans, we exist in the middle, with a balance of both YANG and YIN energies. If we find ourselves with an excess of YIN energy, Dragon Prana can help to rejuvenate and restore balance to our entire energetic system.

    Effect on the Aura

    • It boosts your metabolic rate.

    • YANG and active prana are increased.

    • Stimulates the kundalini.

    • Keep the life force going.

    • Increases the sun-like presence in the environment by boosting internal chi.
