light mandalas
Mandala Wand



A Portable Healing Device

     Mandala Wand combines non-invasive pulsed lasers, full-spectrum light, scalar wave emissions, and healing frequencies for mental and physical well-being. It includes a Tesla bifilar coil for energy conversion and UVC LED for sterilization, all controlled through a user-friendly Android interface. Ideal for healers, meditators, and those seeking balance, it blends technology and ancient wisdom for personal and professional use.

Frequency: The Universal Vibration

     Frequency is the universal language where every unique vibration, created by positive and negative forces and connects all things in the universe.


Scalar energy

  • Scalar waves are non-EM waves with unique wave propagation characteristics.
  • Scalar equivalents can be created by inverting energies like light, sound, or frequency to cancel each other out.
  • Simultaneous back-and-forth light waves create a white spot and a black spot, resembling tiny black holes.
  • The point where two waves cancel out mimics a black hole, transferring energy infinitely and potentially drawing energy from other dimensions.
  • Scalar waves can create a standing-like energy field that carries information.
Scalar Wave

Scalar wave emitter

  • Scalar waves indefinitely propagate information signals across multiple dimensions.
  • A scalar wave emitter generates a standing energy field conveying information on light and frequency.
  • The standing field from scalar waves induces positive resonance in nearby areas.
  • Scalar wave emitters create an energy field that effectively shields the auric field.
  • Scalar waves possess the ability to instantly transmit healing information to various levels of our physical and energy bodies.

Scalar Wave

Void Zone


  • The dark speckles are not empty areas, but contain non-Hertzian components of the electromagnetic laser wave interference.

  • The released waves carry information, providing harmonic equilibrium and balance to the elements they touch.

  • The Light Mandalas laser series uses modulated interference patterns to transfer information.

Molecule transfer and amplify

     As laser light passes through a material's molecular structure, such as crystals, it is converted from the material's molecules into light, transferred, and amplified through resonance.

Energy Transfer

Sacred Geometry

     It is a Universe Structure. The energy that comes from the source is divided into geometry, which then divides into other types of energy until it reaches our physical body. Geometry is the resonance shape with which Cosmic energy interacts. Cosmic energy is the highest form of life force that exists in the cosmos, between galaxies, and in space. It is omnipresent, omnipotent, and omniscient. It is this energy that animates life and keeps the universe in balance.


  • Our interaction extends to the universe and all around us.

  • Each thing vibrates with its unique frequency and resonance.

  • When waves (frequencies) collide, interference occurs.

  • Interference can be either constructive (positive) or destructive (negative).

  • We resonate and interact with everything, from the smallest particles to the largest vibrations, irrespective of their size or level of vibration.



  • That fractal is the blueprint of the Creation, from the One to the All.
  • Fractals are infinitely complex patterns that are self-similar at different scales.
  • Geometrically, they exist between our familiar dimensions.
  • Fractals represent infinity; they are a never-ending pattern.
  • It represents "Creation" and "Destruction," the process of Universe expansion.
quartz glass
quartz glass


  • Because quartz has a molecular structure, when a laser passes through it, the light remains coherent.
  • When a laser light is shone through Glass, the coherence of the light is lost.

Mandala Wand

Geometry Engraved Quartz Sphere

  • Through the use of quartz crystals with engraved geometry, frequencies and energies are amplified.
  • Using a combination of laser light, geometry, and crystals, we create a "Standing Energy Field" that positively affects the environment and human energy vibrations.
  • Crystal contributes to the formation of the Fractal energy field, which allows for infinite expansion.
Sphere for Mandala Wand

Healing frequencies library

  • By utilizing the properties of laser lights, crystals, and scalar wave emitters, we can intelligently and effectively use frequencies.

  • We can emit frequency signals from various sources to target specific parts, zones, and levels for healing.

  • By using frequencies in a smart way, we can efficiently shift, change, and balance our physical body, emotional body, and conscious mind.


Special Energy Work Out

  • Quartz - Opaque Gems
  • Quartz - Gems
  • Quartz - Transparent Gems
  • Subtle Bodies
  • Subtle Bodies Chakra Major
  • Subtle Bodies Chakra Minor

Health Maintain

  • Body Essential - Amino Acids
  • Body Essential - Vitamins
  • Body Essential - Elements

Overall Maintain/Repair

  • Normalizing Frequencies
  • Solfeggio Frequencies
  • Organ Rates
  • Homeopathy - Guild of Homeopaths HP

Emotional Balance

  • Body Essential - Actinides
  • Body Essential – Lanthanide
  • Homeopathy - Flower Remedy
Mandala Wand



Tesla bifilar coil

     The Bifilar coil solution has a greater impact on the physical body.

The Bifilar coil converts received energy into an electromagnetic field and connects you to higher energies with minimal mental effort. It self-charges within the coil, producing a pulse at each signal phase's maximum and transforming into a self-boosting coil, resulting in a significant increase in electromagnetic field emission. The Bifilar coil generates a beneficial field for the human body and, when energized with crystals and magnets, spreads it widely.

Bifela Coil

UV-C LED 3535

Ultraviolet Sterilization LED Chip

     Ultraviolet-C emits at a wavelength of 265nm-285nm, which is suitable for inactivating germs and bacteria by destroying their DNA and RNA. UVC LED replicates UVC light using LED beads, which is a completely clean and energy efficient technology.

     The UVC chip is applied in the Mandala Wand for the purposes of disinfection, and sterilization.
